
SEPT 10 - USP Panel Findings on Product Quality and Performance for Drug Loaded Microneedles
Live Virtual Event
Added:03/08/2024 14:46

In 2019 USP created an Expert Panel (New Advancements in Product Performance Testing) to do a gap analysis on the need for and possible creation of tests/standards for measuring the performance of drug products. The results of Working Groups within the Expert Panel have been presented in a series of articles. The purpose of this webinar is to present to stake holders and interested members of the pharmacy community, the microneedles findings of the Working Group as well as listen to views from the microneedle community on a proposal to create a USP informational chapter for Microneedle Array Patches focused on in-vitro quality performance testing.
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About this item

In 2019 USP created an Expert Panel (New Advancements in Product Performance Testing) to do a gap analysis on the need for and possible creation of tests/standards for measuring the performance of drug products.  The results of Working Groups within the Expert Panel have been presented in a series of articles.  The purpose of this webinar is to present to stake holders and interested members of the pharmacy community, the microneedles findings of the Working Group as well as listen to views from the microneedle community on a proposal to create a USP informational chapter for Microneedle Array Patches focused on in-vitro quality performance testing.

Speaker Information

Matt Burke, Ph.D.

Matt Burke, Ph.D. is the Global Head of R&D CMC at Menarini-Stemline which is focused on novel oncology medicines. The Menarini Group has a 135 year history and is headquartered in Florence, Italy. Matt has worked in the industry for 20+ years in both large and small pharmaceutical companies including various leadership roles such as Vice President of Clinical Development and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vice President of Technical Operations and Head of Drug Delivery. In addition to currently serving as a United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Expert Panel Member, he is a past co-chair of Innovation and Quality Consortium working groups, a member of prior Controlled Release Society (CRS) Industrial Advisory Panels and the Drug Delivery Technology Advisory Board. He has also served as an adjunct professor at North Carolina State University Biomolecular and Chemical Engineering department and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Pharmacy, including Ph.D. thesis committee members and has 13 patents/patent applications, 21 articles/book chapters and 39 external keynotes/ presentations/posters.
